Sunday, 14 September 2014

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Segmentation is ‘dividing up a market into a distinctive group that has common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action. Segmentation may be carried out on the basis of descriptors such as geographies, demographics, psycho-graphics, gender and various other factors.


  •  Age: young age mostly youth· 
  • Gender: female· 
  • Religion: all· 
  • Marital status: single or young mother · 
  • Occupation: young working women· 
  • Income: middle and upper middle class

Social Grade
 B middle class·
 C1 lower middle class

Target- The target market of Sunsilk Shampoo for Iron Heated Hair is young agedwomen who likes to make up their hair with iron heated hair stylist. Those who areactive, dynamic and simple but still conscious of their need to be beautiful. It has been designed to keep the hair healthy and beautiful, though this kind of attitudehas become their lifestyle.

Positioning-  Sunsilk Shampoo for Iron Heated Hair provides real solution to modern womens’
 lifestyle´Sunsilk was launched in1964, is the largest beauty shampoo brand in the country.Positioned as the'Hair Expert', Sunsilk has identified different hair needs andoffers the consumer a shampoo that gives her the desired results.

The benefits are more compelling and relevant since the variants are harmonised interms of the product mix - fragrance, colour and ingredients are all well linked tocue the overall synergy. The range comes in premium packaging and design. Theaccent is on "It knows you, and hence knows exactly what your hair needs".Sunsilk encourages young women in India to live for today. Sunsilk helps youtransform the beauty of your hair instantly because LIFE CAN'T